Saturday, January 17, 2009

5 days of bad luck..

12th January 2009, Monday

In the evening, a student paid me a fee of RM80. She gave me an envelope. I took out RM100 and gave her the change, RM20. Around 10pm, Nicole(the person in charge of me) called me and said the student's parent complaint that there is another RM50 in the envelope. I said i did not see any cash inside the envelope. Nicole replied that she will confirmed with the parents that there is no other money in the envelope. Feeling concerned, i went back to the tuition centre n check the envelope. OMG, the RM50 note is inside... I have made Nicole and Felicia(principal) in trouble....

13th January 2009, Tuesday

I have agreed to a friend in Maple to help his zakum run at 8pm. In the morning, we went to paint the tuition center to provide a new look. After all the work is done, I reached back home at 9pm.. Logging in my character, the zakum run is already over and it was not a success... I was blamed for not attending the run. By 30 of them...

14th January 2009, Wednesday

I was shocked to hear that my grandmother was sent to the hospital. The doctor said that she had a stroke and currently in a coma condition..

In the afternoon, the Degree and Diploma result is posted in the Blackboard. My result is withheld...

15th January 2009, Thursday

Today, my family went to visit my grandma in the hospital. The doctor said it is too risky to conduct an operation as the cause lies deep within the brain. Therefore, all we can do now is hoping that she will recover consciousness by herself..

At 9pm,
阿嬷, 我现在要回去睡觉了... 我相信您也睡很久了吧! 所以明天我睡醒的时候, 您不可以比我迟醒哦!

16th January 2009, Friday

Today, I went to Swinburne to get my result. After I get my result, my dad, sis, and I went back. It was total silence on the way back.. It's clear.. I have let my family down again...

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